Tag Archives: my brain

sometimes I disappear from social media.
And yes,
sometimes my voice,
my dialogue,
my vocabulary usage,
is different.
Because while there is one of you
there are many of me
there are legion
I say with a wink
at an inside joke
with myself.

sometimes I go days
without technology.
And yes,
sometimes I hate the fact
that as an author
in this modern world
I need to have an “online presence”
that is consistent
and sustainable
while I am not consistent
and ha! sustainability
is someone else’s dream
not mine.

I could try and change
hate myself
over words
and posts
I know I can never make
but no
it is not worth it.

I am in flux,
a thesaurus.
a dictionary.
an encyclopedia
stuck in ancient history
with a mouth full
of Russian absurdity.

But you know what?
I am more
than okay
with this.

Who I Am/Not a Brain

Somedays I wake up and I don’t feel like I’m me.
I’m in my skin, my body moves –
but my brain is an alien creature I’ve never met before.
It is a brain that steals me away,
and locks me inside,
and says I do not – in any way –
get to play

It also makes bad rhymes,

It is like I’m a child.
Small and kicking and screaming.
Refusing to wake up,
refusing to move,
refusing to get things done.

It winds up my bones,
staples down my muscles,
twists up my tendons
and says: “Ha! I dare you
to defy me!”

It sits in my head and I never know
when/if it’s gong to leave.
Maybe tomorrow, if I’m good enough.
Maybe today, if I can trick it
into behaving.

The hardest thing
is not knowing why
it does this to me.

Why it locks up my wrists,
and kicks in my ribs,
and tells me I don’t get to be
who I think/who I want
to be.

I don’t think this is depression
I can’t call it a mood disorder…
I’m not disordered,
I’m not depressed.

I just get pushed out of my brain
at least three times a month,
not quite homeless,
waiting until I can go back –
and be who I am again.

I’m just waiting to be me again.

Samhain: Not as Planned Because Life

I was supposed to celebrated Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween, whatever you want to call it, with a friend-person.

Problem: I’ve been working at 115% since January. And then, about a month ago, I died. And I haven’t had time to try and come back to life.

I had three days off in a row (I was supposed to have four *glares at schedule*) and took it all to not do anything. To just spend time with my own self. It was quite an introduction.

“Hello, Self! Do you remember me? I’m your Self!”

“Oh, helloooo, Self! I forgot you existed! Would you like to be friends?”

“Why, yes I would Self! Let’s watch Vampire Diaries and read fluffy magic books and do a horrific puzzle that’s missing pieces and eat an enormous amount of french fries with cheese!”

“Hooray, Self! Hooray!”

As a side note, I might be going crazy. But you’ve known that for awhile now.

My brain being the puddle of cheese fries that it was, I just couldn’t handle people. I sat in my room for two days. It was glorious.

But I still needed to do something for Samhain. But it couldn’t involve gods of any sort (complicated and not necessary to explain right now). So I made some cakes out of flour and rum and cinnamon. I took them to a cematary in honor of the dead. That’s one thing I’m trying to be more aware of. Not just ancestors, though those too, but dead people in general. Being respectful and aware of them. It’s something I’m supposed to do, and I should have been starting to work on this a long time ago. Anyway. That aside.

I then just drove around and talked to one of my ancestors. No, this is not the talking like what happened with my Self earlier. This is different. People leave Echoes behind of themselves when they die. Also time is relative. Also I don’t entirely understand death, so I’m not going to explain it right now in a blog post. Main point: talking to a dead relative while driving around.

And it was nice. And he was really helpful. And it was exactly what I needed.

Which. You know. Is what life is like. There are all sorts of things that happen that are not at all what you planned. But they pop up and happen anyway. That’s life. But they can be good things.

Anyway. There’s my Samhain post. Not too exciting. Just a quiet little drive at night with a man who fought in a battle against Canada. ~


A few years ago I read this book by Kathleen Norris called Acedia and Me.

Once upon a time there were 8 Deadly Sins.

No, no, no. You say. There weren’t 8, there are 7.

No. Number 8 got kicked out because no one cared about it and 8? Well. It was Acedia. So it’s not surprising it just faded away from sight.

Still exists though. Horribly, terribly: still existent.

So what is Acedia? It is something that later was turned into slothfulness, or laziness. But that’s not really what Acedia is. Because laziness is a word that doesn’t really mean anything anymore, because we use it all of the time to mean so many different things. And no one really knows what slothfulness is, because they start thinking of that animal that hangs from a tree all day.

These are aspects, there are parts.

Wikipedia (yes, yes, I know – but they have a good definition so shush) says:

“Acedia describes a state of listlessness or torpor, of not caring or not being concerned with one’s position or condition in the world. It can lead to a state of being unable to perform one’s duties in life”

It is similar to apathy.

It is a lack, an inability to be all that you could be. There is all of this potential: and it just…. Nothing. Doesn’t do anything. And why should it? Those with Acedia sitting in their bones are prone to depression, suicide.

It’s not a psychological thing. It’s not a physical thing.

It’s spiritual. Yes, yes. I know some of you “modern” people won’t like that. But the spiritual world exists. It’s not my fault science takes so long to learn things.

Acedia has been connected with the idea of being a demon. Andrew Solomon has a book (I own, but haven’t read yet) where he calls it the Noonday Demon. It doesn’t attack you in the night. It seeps into you at all hours. Stops you from being productive. Stops you from being able to take care of yourself spiritually. Stops you from being able to help the world. It just stops you. And not in the good: “Stop and pay attention to the world around you” kind of way (see Job 37:14).

And I’m not saying Acedia is an actual being that has form that goes skulking around gnawing at your bone marrow. I mean. Maybe that’s true, but that’s not what I’m saying.

Acedia is a concept. Concepts are weird. Truly. Think about the concept chair. How does that concept exist? Where did it come from? How can we match up different chairs but know that they are all chairs? Is there such a thing as “chairness” like Plato/Socrates put forth? I don’t know. What I do know, or think I know, is that:

Concepts are strangely powerful.

Concepts have belief attached to them. And belief, my friend, does weird things. It does things to reality.

Acedia is a concept, yes. But it’s become more than that. It’s thicker. It takes part in Reality in a very solid way.

And it is like a disease. It roots into you. Like kudzu. You think you’ve pulled it up and gotten rid of it, but really, really know. It’s root system is widespread. It’s growth rate is intense.

It doesn’t go away. It doesn’t stop. It eats you away.

Until you are listless. Until you are apethetic. Until you just don’t care. Until you float around life just kind of maybe existing, but not actually participating.

It’s not comfortable. Because there’s that “I need to survive” part of your brain that is freaking out. That knows this is not okay. That wants you to not suffocate. So you feel awful. And you feel like you should be better. And you want to be better. But you can’t. Because you just. Don’t. Care.

It is easy to get lost there. It is a labyrinth that grabs your mind and your soul and tugs you deep down the rabbit hole and does not want you to wake up.

I spend a lot of time with Acedia. He (not actually gendered, but for some reason I imagine it as a he) sits inside my bones and gnaws at my liver. He presses at the nerves in my wrists. He takes away my appetite. He slithers through my synapses and stops everything. He pokes open holes so that other Issues can come plopping in like mud or poop or something gross and unsanitary.

How do you combat a Deadly Sin?

Because it would be easy to blame it. It would be easy to say, well, it’s not really my fault. It’s this thing called Acedia. didn’t invite it in. I shouldn’t have to deal with it. It’s not my responsibility.

Which is a vaguely Vain, self-absorbed thing to say. Not surprising. That’s one of those mud/poop things Acedia let in.

Monks have suggested praying, or meditating. People are full of all sorts of ideas. And maybe some of them work. And probably most of them won’t. Because it’s not that simple.

I believe that everyone is born being connected to a different Deadly Sin. Some people are more apt to be led by Greed than others. Some people are more apt to be following around Acedia. I think it just happens. And I don’t think it’s something we’re supposed to get rid of.

In Thomas Moore’s book Care of the Soul he has this astonishing (you can’t hear my sarcasm, sory) idea that we shouldn’t fight against our faults, but work with them. In Colette Baron-Reid’s book The Map, she talks about how our faults are like goblins inside of us. And we’re not supposed to kill the goblin, because that’s killing ourselves. We’re supposed to shush it, and quiet it down, and put it to sleep. Let it feel loved. It’s this bizarre idea of actually feeling compassion and sympathy.

I was reading part of 100 Philosophers by Peter J. King today, and there was a quote by K’ung Fu-Zi (Westernized as Confucius). He was asked by a king to, in just one word, say what was the one rule to be adopted in order to rule well. And what did K’ung Fu-Zi say? Sympathy (see p. 16 of said book).That is the one word. In order to have peace and not chaos, care and not war: we need Sympathy.

Will Sympathy take Acedia? Stop it from growing kudzu-style? I have no idea. I think it’s a process. I think it’s not easy. I think that I won’t know until I am dead, whether or not I ever learned how to put my demons to bed.

If I Don’t See You, You Must Not Exist

So I am secretly like, two years old and don’t entirely have down this concept of: if you put a toy car behind a box the toy car still exists. Replace ‘toy car’ with person and ‘behind a box’ with ‘outside of my line of vision’ and you pretty much have my general viewpoint. If I can’t see you: I tend to forget you exist.

It’s weird to me, thinking that outside of this room there are all of these other people that exists. Like. Billions. But then I STOP thinking of that because if I do I’ll go CRAZY pants. But. Anyway.

Stepping away from the billion number and the road stringed with houses idea… It’s weird just thinking that my friend is off galivanting somewhere, that there are all these people down in VA doing college stuff without me, that there are relatives of mine over in Erie doing I have no idea what (except maybe sleeping? Or eating? Or watching Hockey?).

I think it’s weird for me because I am so aware of my self and my surroundings. To think of anything outside of my peripheral vision… Well. Things get hazy. The possibility of things existing outside of me is a little… Odd. It’s hard to explain. I feel like I keep saying the same things over and over again. It’s like I can almost explain it, but then it fails awkwardly and someone is just like: “Dude, you’e just saying the same thing over and over again with different words STOP.”

I don’t know. Does anyone else have this problem? Like scrolling though Facebook and someone pops up and you’re like: Weird. I forgot you existed. Huh. Or you follow someone on Instagram from Poland and you think: Damn. There’s this whole country filled with people in a place I’ve never been. How does that happen?

The world is this giant tiny place that is just so bizarre to me. And sometimes I feel like this tiny two-year-old who is just like: “So… Where did that toy car go and can I have it back please?”